Percheron,Draft &Clydesdales

Recently we had the pleasure of attending a local fair and of course lo and behold, there were Horses! Specifically, Large Equines! They are certainly creatures to behold. The strength in these animals is phenominal……it reminds me of the stories my Dad would tell about working in the Northern Maine woods and logging trees with them.

From cart pulling, to competition load pulling, to just the overall physique on these guys, they are awesome to view. As large as they are, u would think they would rules us as Humans! It is quite the opposite, though and they seem to respond one on one with their owners/ trainers.

It was disclosed during an exhibition that the Percheron breed out number the Clydesdales in the US, contrary to the belief because of the popularity of the Budweiser team. The way they work together in such sync whether pulling a competition load, or a great looking carriage/stagecoach is quite amazing, and very beautiful to watch.

Yes, one of life’s simple pleasures is the entertainment put on by these fascinating animals. We all need simple pleasures in this fast paced life style we lead in my opinion. Have a great start of Sept everyone!!                                   

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